php - apache basic auth breaks rewrite in .htaccess -
rewriting works fine until add auth htaccess. auth formatted correctly? why rewrite work before adding auth?
request params @ site controller no auth:
[id] => 433 [type] => city
params after auth added , user authenticated:
sample query url works without auth:
the .htaccess basic auth @ bottom:
# visits not coming official url should rerouted; ajax cross-domain, not same rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http_host} !^www\.website\.com$ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,l] # route requests not static files, through index.php make /nice/urls/ work rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php?$1 [l] # disable file listings directories options -indexes # disable fetching of .phtm <files ~ "\.phtml$"> order allow,deny deny </files> # protect hidden files being viewed <files .*> order deny,allow deny </files> # protect application , system files being viewed rewriterule ^(?:modules|system)\b.* index.php/$0 [l] # allow files or directories exist displayed directly rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d authtype basic authname "password required" authuserfile /maps/scorp/main/.htpasswd require valid-user
i've got no answer nice questions hope found solution. :)
imho in .htaccess authorisation take advantage. it's kinda tricky can break priority enclosing "require valid-user" directive block <files>. e.g.:
<files "*.phtml"> require valid-user </files>
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