javascript - jQuery check if input value increases/decreases on change -

i have input type number

<input type="number" value="5" id="nmovimentos"/> 

i want especific action when value increases or decreases (alert simpler example).

i have following jquery code:

$(document).ready(function(){     var oldvalue = $("#nmovimentos").val();   $("#nmovimentos").change(function(){     var newvalue = $(this).val();     if (newvalue > oldvalue)         alert("increase!");      else          alert("decrease!");   }); }); 

but doesn't work because can't detect oldvalue var.. clues on how that? thank much!


you can make use of property every htmlinputelement has store previous value, example defaultvalue. in case save couple of lines of code, , make code little cleaner , concise:

$("#nmovimentos").change(function () {      var direction = this.defaultvalue < this.value      this.defaultvalue = this.value;      if (direction) alert("increase!");      else alert("decrease!");  });
<script src=""></script>  <input type="number" value="5" id="nmovimentos" />


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