sql server - Can't Figure Out how to show newly inserted rows to my Datagrid view -
i have sql table [dbo].[cashiers] ( cashier_id int primary key identity, cashier_name nvarchar(max) )
now loaded data in table datatable in vb.net
private sub form1_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load using conn new sqlconnection(my.settings.lol) try dim adp new sqldataadapter adp .selectcommand = new sqlcommand("select * [dbo].[cashiers]", conn) .fill(dt) end bs.datasource = dt datagridview1.datasource = bs adp.dispose() catch ex exception msgbox(ex.message, msgboxstyle.critical) conn.close() end try end using end sub
i created 2 global variables
dim dt new datatable 'global variable dim bs new bindingsource 'global variable
and have text box , button insert records
private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click using conn new sqlconnection(my.settings.lol) dim cmd new sqlcommand cmd .commandtext = "insert [dbo].[cashiers] ([casheir_name]) values (@cashier_name)" .connection = conn .parameters.add("@cashier_name", sqldbtype.varchar).value = textbox1.text.trim end try conn.open() cmd.executenonquery() cmd.dispose() textbox1.text = nothing msgbox("added!") catch ex exception msgbox(ex.message, msgboxstyle.critical) conn.close() end try end using end sub
all of working fine problem cant figure out how show newly inserted rows in datagridview , hoping if provide me code snippet or explain concept me , think that's working me right load whole new datatable new records , set new datasource datagrid view , sure not done way .
thanks in advance.
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