javascript - Why is this angular keypress event bound to $document firing twice? -
i have angular directive binds keypress events on $document , broadcasts them rootscope.
the problem fires twice every single keypress. why happening? have removed rootscope broadcast piece still seeing double events being picked up
.directive('keypressevents', function ($document, $rootscope) { return { restrict: 'a', link: function () { console.log('linking keypress listener document.'); $document.bind('keypress', function (e) { console.log('keypress detectected on $document. broadcasting $rootscope'); $rootscope.$broadcast('keypress', e, string.fromcharcode(e.which)); }); } } })
i use in view such:
<div class="row toppad60 leftpad70" keypress-events ng-cloak> other stuff... </div>
edit have attempted unbind listen still seeing events fired twice on first pageload(meaning directive should not have loaded again)
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