meteor - Meteorjs link social media accounts -

i'm attempting use bozhao:link-accounts package atmosphere, no luck. rather linking accounts, creating additional accounts. here implementation looks like:

packages added:
meteor add accounts-facebook
meteor add accounts-twitter
meteor add bozhao:link-accounts
meteor add service-configuration

<!--/client/signin.html--> <template name="signintmpl">   <button class="btn btn-facebook">sign in facebook</button>   </template>  <!--/client/linktweets.html--> <template name="linktweetstmpl">   <button class="btn btn-twitter">connect twitter account</button> </template> 
//client/signin.js{   'click .btn-facebook': function() {     meteor.loginwithfacebook({requestpermissions: ['email']}, function(err) {     //do if conditional ...       })     } })  //client/linktweets.js{   'click .btn-twitter': function() {     meteor.linkwithtwitter(function(err) {     //do if conditional ...       })     } })  //server/accounts.js var createserviceconfiguration;  createserviceconfiguration = function(service, clientid, secret) {   var config;   serviceconfiguration.configurations.remove({     service: service   });   config = {     generic: {       service: service,       clientid: clientid,       secret: secret     },     instagram: {       service: service,       clientid: clientid,       scope: 'basic',       secret: secret,       loginstyle: "redirect"     },     facebook: {       service: service,       appid: clientid,       secret: secret,       loginstyle: "redirect"     },     twitter: {       service: service,       consumerkey: clientid,       secret: secret,       loginstyle: "redirect"     }   };   switch (service) {     case 'instagram':       return serviceconfiguration.configurations.insert(config.instagram);     case 'facebook':       return serviceconfiguration.configurations.insert(config.facebook);     case 'twitter':       return serviceconfiguration.configurations.insert(config.twitter);     default:       return serviceconfiguration.configurations.insert(config.generic);   } }; //dev keys createserviceconfiguration('instagram', 'api-key', 'api-secret') createserviceconfiguration('facebook', 'api-key', 'api-secret') createserviceconfiguration('twitter', 'api-key', 'api-secret') createserviceconfiguration('google', 'api-key', 'api-secret') 

i sign in facebook , when click on "connect twitter button" goes through authorisation sequence fine, creates account altogether.

i recommend using instead want. documentation pretty self explanatory , supports wide range of account melding configurations.


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