VBA Excel; Finding Duplicate Cells and Populating an Offset Cell -
i creating automated system reads data wirelessly transmitted data excel. data sends gauge number , value ex. 89,-.002 (gauge #89, value=-.002). data goes cell f2. have created code separates the gauge number , value variables. have list of fixed gauge numbers in cell c5-c11 , readings populate offset in cells g5-g11 based on gauge number. haven't been able figure out how take readings same gauge multiple reading if needed check multiple spots on part. example if there 3 different readings needed gauge 87 ( 87 listed 3 times in c5-c11), need code search 87 based off gauge number variable input in f2 , find 87's in cells c5-c11. check if cell offset 4 columns has value already. if move on next 87 found , check if offset on 1 has value. if doesn't populate cell.
i can't hard code numbers in because creating template. have search multiples gauge numbers believe.
any or ideas appreciated. better if can give me sample code integrate project.
set wsinput = sheet1 wsinput.range("c5:c24") 'selects sheet 1 range
dim c range dim gagenum string dim reading string dim mystring string dim stringlen single dim location single dim gloc single dim count single dim answer integer dim count1 single dim single mystring = range("f2").value 'identifies cell data in f2 string variable location = instr(mystring, ",") + 1 'finds comma separator , adds 1 not include comma gloc = instr(mystring, ",") - 1 'finds location of comma , goes 1 rid of comma. 'msgbox location 'tests see character starting @ stringlen = len(mystring) - location + 1 'creates new string has length of remaining characters reading = mid(mystring, location, stringlen) 'reads string after comma until end of string 'msgbox reading 'test see if gets correct reading gauage gagenum = left(mystring, gloc) 'finds gauge number searching left of comma 'msgbox gagenum 'test of guage number set c = .find(gagenum, lookin:=xlvalues) if not c nothing dim firstaddress string dim rslt string firstaddress = c.address rslt = rslt & c.address & "," set c = .findnext(c) loop while c.address <> firstaddress 'msgbox left(rslt, len(rslt) - 1) end if end if len(c.offset(, 4)) = 0 range("f2").select c.offset(, 4) = reading 'populates cell reading. else answer = msgbox("error: gauge " & c & " measurement has been taken." & vbnewline & "do want use new measurement instead?", vbyesno + vbquestion, "re-measure?") if answer = vbyes range("f2").select c.offset(, 4) = reading 'populates cell reading. else 'do nothing end if end if
thats have doesnt search duplicates first 1 finds.
it's problem do...loop while
section. putting while
condition @ end that, you're telling continue looping until c.address = firstaddress
. instead of automatically setting c next 1 here: set c = .findnext(c)
, should test first determine whether findnext
gives address want. this:
set tempc = .findnext(c) if tempc.address <> firstaddress set c = tempc else exit end if
note: set c
last place gauge number appears, not next one. next one, replace findnext
. loop in reverse order , wind @ second instance of gauge number.
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