windows - Batch file runs fine in command prompt but gives error when double-clicked -

i have batch file accepts store numbers , sets them array , iterates through array. when double click batch file gives error:

256 unexpected @ time. 

but when run console/command prompt runs fine.

here code.

@echo off  setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  set index=0  :getstore set /a index=index + 1 set /p store[%index%]=enter slc store number:   :ask set /p answer=do want enter store number (y/n):    if /i "%answer%" == "n" (     set length=%index%     goto next )  if /i "%answer%" == "y" (     goto getstore  ) else goto ask  :next /l %%i in (1,1,%length%) (     if %store% lss 256 (         /l %%k in (1,1,5) ping 192.168.!store[%%i]!.%%k -n 1 |find "ttl"     )     if %store% gtr 255 (             set /a store=%store% - 255         /l %%k in (1,1,5) ping 10.0.!store[%%i]!.%%k -n 1 |find "ttl"     ) ) 

when double click batch file, new cmd instance executed, 1 instance store has not been initialized, line

if %store% lss 256 ( 

fails %store% empty.


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