angularjs - How to use radio buttons with Angular ng-repeat on a Rails collection, with a default value -
i'm angular newbie, , having issues using ng-repeat against rails collection.
i have rails collection of accounts associated user: current_user.accounts
i'm trying use ng-repeat iterate through collection, , have radio buttons user select primary account. radio button should set whichever current primary account (as determined attribute on account, account.is_primary = true). can't seem work @ all. i'm vaguely trying do:
table.pure-table.pure-table-striped thead tr th name th account th primary account tbody ng-controller="miscaccountctrl" div ng-repeat="account in accounts" tr.collapsible td .slider ng-class="isopen" .cell-container {{ account.account_type }} td .slider ng-class="isopen" .cell-container= {{ }} td .slider ng-class="isopen" .cell-container input type="radio" ng-model="primary" ng-change='setprimary(#{ })'
the specific problems having are: 1) can't figure out how bind rails collection (current_user.accounts) $scope variable such can "account in accounts".
2) how have radio buttons pre-selected whichever current primary account
i think have sense of how rest, i.e. how set new primary once new radio button selected (using ng-change call directive), can't basic setup right. appreciated.
the biggest problem have not binding object ng-model
. ng-repeat
creates child scope every repeated item. when use primitive in ng-model
loses 2 way binding in child scope because primitives don't have inheritance.
so start object in controller object gets inherited child scopes. ng-model
take care of creating object properties if don't exist
$scope.formdata ={};
then in html:
input type="radio" ng-model="formdata.primary"
golden rule: have dot in
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