jailbreak - Does any know how to bypass entitlements in iOS 8? -

as aware famous _xpconnectionhasentitlement has no longer works in ios 8, there anyother way bypass entitlements tweaks requires entitlements? come know _bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement might solve issue, can't through it.

i'm using following snippet of code hook backboardd & assertionsd.

static int (*orig_bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement)(id connection, nsstring *entitlement); static int hooked_bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement(id connection, nsstring *entitlement) {     nslog(@"got it.");     if (xpc_connection_get_pid(connection) == [[uidevice currentdevice] __qrwagetpidforprocess:@"springboard"] && [entitlement isequaltostring:@"com.apple.multitasking.unlimitedassertions"]) {         return 1;     } else {         return orig_bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement(connection, entitlement);     } }  %ctor {           %init;           mshookfunction(((int *)msfindsymbol(null, "_bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement")), (int*) hooked_bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement, (int**) &orig_bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement); } 

the problem it, nslog statements never printed. feel wrong syntax of function _bsaudittokentaskhasentitlement, not sure.

if points me right direction, appreciate help.


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