Magento in Thumbnail Category custom theme -

i working version of magento in custom theme, running smoothly, want , name of main category rather category name.already tested several tips right here, , several tutorials on net. can not it, guide me going wrong?

1.1. have code displays categories , sub-categories on home page: file top.phtml

<?php      mage::helper('custommenu')->savecurrentcategoryidtosession();      $menudata = mage::helper('custommenu')->getmenudata();      extract($menudata);  // --- $txtloading = ''; $txtmenu = $this->__('menu'); $xrtl = $_rtl ? ' rtl' : ''; $wpinitcontent = <<<html <div id="custommenu-loading" class="$xrtl">     <div class="menu">         <div class="parentmenu menu0">             <a href="javascript:;">                 <span>$txtloading</span>             </a>         </div>     </div>     <div class="clearboth"></div> </div> <div id="custommenu" class="$xrtl" style="display:none;">     <div class="menu">         <div class="parentmenu menu0">             <a href="javascript:;">                 <span>$txtloading</span>             </a>         </div>     </div>     <div class="clearboth"></div> </div> <div id="custommenu-mobile" class="$xrtl" style="display:none;">     <div id="menu-button" onclick="wpmenubuttontoggle()">         <a href="javascript:void(0);">             <span>$txtmenu</span>         </a>     </div>     <div id="menu-content" style="display:none;">         <div id="menu-mobile-loading" class="menu-mobile level0">             <div class="parentmenu">                 <a href="javascript:;">                     <span>$txtloading</span>                 </a>             </div>         </div>         <div class="clearboth"></div>         </div>     </div> html; ?> <div class="nav-container" id="wp-nav-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![cdata[ var custommenu_popup_width = <?php echo $_popupwidth; ?>; var custommenu_popup_top_offset = <?php echo $_popuptopoffset; ?>; var custommenu_popup_delay_before_displaying = <?php echo $_popupdelaybeforedisplaying; ?>; var custommenu_popup_delay_before_hiding = <?php echo $_popupdelaybeforehiding; ?>; var custommenu_rtl_mode = <?php echo $_rtl; ?>; var custommenu_mobile_menu_width_init = <?php echo $_mobilemenuwidthinit; ?>; var wpcustommenutimershow = {}; var wpcustommenutimerhide = {}; var wpactivemenu = null; var wpmobilemenuenabled = <?php echo $_mobilemenuenabled; ?>; var wpmenuajaxurl = '<?php echo $_menuajaxurl; ?>'; var wpmobliemenuajaxurl = '<?php echo $_mobliemenuajaxurl; ?>'; var wppopupmenucontent = ''; var wpmobilemenucontent = ''; if ($('wp-nav-container') != undefined) {     $('wp-nav-container').update(<?php echo mage::helper('core')->jsonencode($wpinitcontent); ?>); } <?php if (mage::getstoreconfig('custom_menu/general/ajax_load_content')) : ?> wpcustommenumobiletoggle(); event.observe(window, 'resize', function() {     wpcustommenumobiletoggle(); }); <?php endif; ?> //]]> </script>  <script type="text/javascript"> //<![cdata[ event.observe(document, 'dom:loaded', function(){     $$('.skip-nav').each(function(element) {         element.observe('click', function(event) {             wpmenubuttontoggle();         });     }); }); //]]> </script> 
  1. through code obtained right here on site can view images in category:
** thumbnailurl $child=mage::getsingleton('catalog/layer')->getcurrentcategory()->getid(); $imagesrc=mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($child)->getthumbnail(); $thumbnailurl=mage::getbaseurl('media').'catalog/category/'.$imagesrc; echo "<img src='{$thumbnailurl}' />"; 
  1. how include code in file list of categories on home page, attempts derĂ£o errors? forgive english


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