three.js rendering issue with chrome - uncaught typeerror -

i have working three.js program on firefox, loads normally. when try run program on chrome, partially renders background , flickering objects. have checked terminal , seems spew out thousands of errors relating issue --

    uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'update' of undefined three.vertex has been deprecated. use three.vector3 instead. three.vertex has been deprecated. use three.vector3 instead. three.vertex has been deprecated. use three.vector3 instead. three.uv has been deprecated. use three.vector2 instead. three.uv has been deprecated. use three.vector2 instead. three.uv has been deprecated. use three.vector2 instead.      three.webglrenderer 66 webgl: invalid_value: uniform3fv: no array webgl: invalid_value: uniform3fv: no array uncaught securityerror: failed execute 'teximage2d' on 'webglrenderingcontext': cross-origin image @ file:///c:/foodshop/images/wall-2.jpg may not loaded. webgl: invalid_value: uniform3fv: no array uncaught securityerror: failed execute 'teximage2d' on 'webglrenderingcontext': cross-origin image @ file:///c:/foodshop/images/wall-2.jpg may not loaded. webgl: invalid_value: uniform3fv: no array uncaught securityerror: failed execute 'teximage2d' on 'webglrenderingcontext': cross-origin image @ file:///c:/foodshop/images/wall-2.jpg may not loaded. 

since doesn't provide line number locate error might be, i'm quite confused. how might go resolving issue?

edit -------

i changed version of three.min.js latest, , had amend several aspects of program, such cubegeometry boxgeometry.

i have following issues in log

"three.projector has been moved /examples/js/renderers/projector.js." 

also several of these.

"three.webglrenderer: texture not power of two. texture.minfilter should set three.nearestfilter or three.linearfilter. ( images/light.jpg )" 

debug non-minified version or developer version (three.js), , last version of library.

also, shouldn't use deprecated methods in program.. try use vector3 , vector2 instead of vertex or uv.

according securityerror, try this:

three.imageutils.crossorigin = ''; var yourtxture = three.imageutils.loadtexture('your url or whatever') 

or read post:

three.js , loading cross-domain image


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