Installing Magento security patch SUPEE 6285 - v -

i trying install supee 6285 on magento v

we not have ssh our server. when try method 1 found on blank page when run patch on browser.

after looking @ faqs see should have install.php file under app/code/core/mage/install/controller/router/install.php don't have router directory.

any advise on how install patch?

first solution (recommended):

use magento connect , upgrade store latest magento version check upgrades. latest version contains security patch (supee 6285) , features together.

second solution (install patch manually):

download supee 6285 - v

use ftp client upload specific patch root of magento folder. create php file called applypatch.php run patch you. upload root of magento folder. make sure use right patch name here.

<?php print("<pre>"); passthru("/bin/bash"); print("</pre>"); ?> 

visit file @, , check if output looks expected.


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