java - How to parse String containing '+' symbol -
this question has answer here:
i have string has numbers.
i have code this,
string tempstr = "+123"; numberformat numformat = numberformat.getnumberinstance(); numformat.setparseintegeronly(true); try { int ageindays = integer.parseint(tempstr); system.out.println("the age in days "+ageindays); } catch (numberformatexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } }
it working fine number negative symbols.but can't number '+' symbol. throws numberformatexception.
so how can parse number '+' symbol string?
in case using java 7 or higher recommend using java.lang.long; or java.lang.integer; (if sure have parse integers).
it works both cases.
later edit: didn't see using integer.parseint();
therefore assume have java 6 or less.
in case try calling following method before line integer.parseint(tempstr);
remove + in case exists:
private static string removeplussignifexists(string numberasstring) { if(numberasstring == null || numberasstring.length() == 0){ return numberasstring; } if(numberasstring.charat(0) == '+'){ return numberasstring.substring(1, numberasstring.length()); } else { return numberasstring; } }
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