regex - Grep with ruby the gemlist -
i'm trying grep gem list. list with
bundlelist = `bundle show`
"gems included bundle:\n * cfpropertylist (2.3.1)\n * abstract_type (0.0.7)\n * actionmailer (4.2.3)\n * actionpack (4.2.3)\n"
i like:
=> ["cfpropertylist", "abstract_type", "actionmailer", "actionpack"]
when try grep on it, bundlelist.scan(/\*.*\(/)
. result is:
=> ["* cfpropertylist (", "* abstract_type (", "* actionmailer (", "* actionpack ("]
use lookbehind , lookahead instead:
/(?<=\* ).*?(?= \()/
what means minimum thing preceded star + space , followed space + opening bracket.
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