angularjs - Where is the appropriate place to instantiate a javascript widget/chart/utility when using angular.js? -
i'm using chart.js make, unsurprisingly, chart, , i'm trying figure out how cleanly , correctly rewrite code in angular.js.
vanilla implementation
if using vanilla javascript , html, i'd boils down this:
<canvas id='chart'></canvas> <script> data = {...} // dictionary of chart data, omitted brevity options = {...} // dictionary of chart options, same^ var ctx = document.getelementbyid("chart").getcontext("2d"); var chart = new chart(ctx).line(data, options); </script>
and first canvas load, script run , draw chart.
but angular, can have, instead,
<ng-chart></ng-chart> <script> angular.module('app') .directive('ngchart', function(){ return { restrict: 'e', template: '<canvas></canvas>' ... } ) </script>
and put same javascript first example inside directive.
but where?
it seems should in either link function, or controller. need dom elements load first, because otherwise drawing on canvas won't work--but doesn't seem limit it. able re-draw graph, can add ability filter/rescale graph without reloading whole page.
under link
<script> angular.module('app') .directive('ngchart', function(){ return { restrict: 'e', link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllers) { //your plugin implementation here data = {...} // dictionary of chart data, omitted brevity options = {...} // dictionary of chart options, same^ var ctx = element.getcontext("2d"); var chart = new chart(ctx).line(data, options); } template: '<canvas></canvas>' } ) </script>
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