postgresql - Play Framework trying to access DB with windows username -

i have db.conf looks in conf folder:

db.default.driver=org.postgresql.driver db.default.url="jdbc:postgresql://" db.default.username=postgres db.default.password="my_password" 

it included in application.conf:

include "db.conf" 

infos correct, use same jdbc connection string, user/pass connect intellij db view database.

when try access page, error:

play.api.configuration$$anon$1: configuration error[cannot connect database [default]]     @ play.api.configuration$.play$api$configuration$$configerror(configuration.scala:94) ~[play_2.10-2.3.8.jar:2.3.8]     @ play.api.configuration.reporterror(configuration.scala:743) ~[play_2.10-2.3.8.jar:2.3.8]     @ play.api.db.bonecpplugin$$anonfun$onstart$1.apply(db.scala:247) ~[play-jdbc_2.10-2.3.2.jar:2.3.2]     @ play.api.db.bonecpplugin$$anonfun$onstart$1.apply(db.scala:238) ~[play-jdbc_2.10-2.3.2.jar:2.3.2]     @ scala.collection.traversablelike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(traversablelike.scala:244) ~[scala-library-2.10.5.jar:na] caused by: org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: fatal: password authentication failed user "john"     @ org.postgresql.core.v3.connectionfactoryimpl.doauthentication( ~[postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar:na]     @ org.postgresql.core.v3.connectionfactoryimpl.openconnectionimpl( ~[postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar:na]     @ org.postgresql.core.connectionfactory.openconnection( ~[postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar:na]     @ org.postgresql.jdbc2.abstractjdbc2connection.<init>( ~[postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar:na]     @ org.postgresql.jdbc3.abstractjdbc3connection.<init>( ~[postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar:na] 

in above can see tries connect database using windows login "john".

i went through project agent ransack , tried following (case insensitive) regex:


it matches above error log.

question: why play using windows login connect db? how prevent ?

just info build.sbt looks this:

name := "babybets2"  version := "1.0"  lazy val `babybets2` = (project in file(".")).enableplugins(playscala)  scalaversion := "2.10.5"  librarydependencies ++= seq( cache , ws )  librarydependencies ++= seq("postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.1-901-1.jdbc4",   "" %% "play-slick" % "0.8.0",   "ws.securesocial" %% "securesocial" % "2.1.4" )  unmanagedresourcedirectories in test <+=  basedirectory ( _ /"target/web/public/test" )   

ok crazy, there difference between play versions:




so apparently, if no user provided, play displays no useful error messages , tries connect windows login!


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