c++ - Unhandled exception at 0x5401FA96 (sfml-system-d-2.dll) -

i trying make simple program sfml. source code same provided in example

given downloaded sfml site using precompiled version visual studio 12.

i configured project normally, , added correct libraries debug , release.


there no compiler errors, , not linker errors well. added .dll libraries in .exe directory.

when run program, here output (just crashes):

exception thrown @ 0x50fafa96 (sfml-system-d-2.dll) in testsfml.exe: 0xc0000005: access violation reading location 0xccccccd8.  if there handler exception, program may safely continued. 

from looked on internet, error seems related mixing debug , release libraries, think did right.

note using visual studio community 2015, don't think cause problem.

the configuration inside project

release , debug (all configurations):

added same directory include path (release , debug) , library path (release , debug).


on linker -> input added:

sfml-window.lib sfml-system.lib 


on linker->input added:

sfml-system-d.lib sfml-window-d.lib 

since using dynamic libraries, added libraries on directory of executable.



#include <sfml/window.hpp> #include <sfml/opengl.hpp>  int main() {     // create window     sf::window window(sf::videomode(800, 600), "opengl", sf::style::default, sf::contextsettings(32));     window.setverticalsyncenabled(true);      // load resources, initialize opengl states, ...      // run main loop     bool running = true;     while (running)     {         // handle events         sf::event event;         while (window.pollevent(event))         {             if (event.type == sf::event::closed)             {                 // end program                 running = false;             }             else if (event.type == sf::event::resized)             {                 // adjust viewport when window resized                 glviewport(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height);             }         }          // clear buffers         glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit);          // draw...          // end current frame (internally swaps front , buffers)         window.display();     }      // release resources...      return 0; } 

aditional dependencies on project. set on active(debug)

opengl32.lib sfml-system-d.lib sfml-window-d.lib 

the compilation

1>------ build started: project: testsfml, configuration: debug x64 ------ 1>  main.cpp 1>  testsfml.vcxproj -> c:\users\leonardo\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\testsfml\x64\debug\testsfml.exe ========== build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== 

i got same error when trying compile sfml program sfml vs2013 when using vs2015. downloading (and using) correct version solved problem.


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