Android app fetching Joomla website with DB -

my client has joomla website plugins (mosets tree , jse events) lists business events. wants android app developed fetch these info. immidiately came mind, create php scripts query database , call scripts app. in app, display information collected.

another idea occurred me, enable rss feed , read rss feed.

is approach above right approach? there different way or standard way when developing apps fetch information joomla website backend?

please note website mobile friendly requirement create app part of website. pointers helpful

building 1 or more php scripts query db , returns data faster , simpler solution.

if want build more robust / compatible solution, may extend set of php scripts full blown rest api application. in case take frameworks slim or silex @ this.

there more complete , elegant solutions overkill needs.

edit: why query directly database

in theory, seems better not access directly database, , interact mosets tree component instead; because in way not have duplicate logic.

but in experience, few exceptions, joomla components coded it's hard interact them programmatically.


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