migrating a Rails 3.2 app to strong parameters and getting this error -
i have rails 3.2. app , getting error on following scope:
class location < activerecord::base include activemodel::forbiddenattributesprotection scope :active, -> { where(is_deleted: false) }
with view fragment:
<% @location.order('updated_at desc').active.where('menu_event_category_id ?',nil).each_with_index |x, idx| %>
the error is:
actionview::template::error (undefined method `active' #<class:0x0000011da42c20>):
why getting error , how fix it?.
this has nothing strong_parameters. need use scope:
<% location.active.order('updated_at desc').where('menu_event_category_id ?',nil).each_with_index |x, idx| %>
<% @location.active.order('updated_at desc').where('menu_event_category_id ?',nil).each_with_index |x, idx| %>
further, should set @locations in controller:
@location = location.active.where('menu_event_category_id ?',nil)
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