javascript - how to bind the following to the local this context variable on button click event? -
i need on this. how print lat , long using button click event like:
<button id="geo" onclick="ongeoclick()"> location </button>
i have following code:
var getgeo = { showposition : function showposition(position) { self = this; console.log(self) = position.coords.latitude; self.lng = position.coords.longitude; console.log(self); }, showerror : function showerror(error) { switch(error.code) { case error.permission_denied: this.err = "user denied request geolocation."; break; case error.position_unavailable: this.err = "location information unavailable."; break; case error.timeout: this.err = "the request user location timed out."; break; case error.unknown_error: this.err = "an unknown error occurred."; break; } }, getlocation : function getlocation() { self = this; if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(self.showposition, self.showerror, {enablehighaccuracy:true}); console.log(self); } else { self.err = "geolocation not supported browser.";} } }; function ongeoclick() {...local context binding?...}
such window not store lat , long accessible variable can log(result) out;
you can use bind method keep context intact.
navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(self.showposition.bind(self), self.showerror, {enablehighaccuracy:true});
and call this
function ongeoclick() { getgeo.getlocation(); }
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