Executing a Query to Insert Data from VBA to MySQL and What Will Said Data Look Like -

i'm trying insert snippets of word document mysql database. did in java, lost formatting of microsoft document, i'm trying same in vba (i'm hoping keep formatting?!). find out if will, need try.. i've set connection , table in mysql can't insert values. throws syntax error on "conn.execute" line.

sub connecttodatabase()  ' '  dim conn new adodb.connection  dim server_name string  dim database_name string  dim user_id string  dim password string  '  dim long ' counter  dim sqlstr string ' sql perform various actions  dim table1 string, table2 string  dim field1 string, field2 string  dim rs adodb.recordset  dim vtype variant  '    server_name = "" ' enter server name here -  database_name = "rmp" ' enter database name here  user_id = "root" ' enter user id here  password = "password1" ' enter password here   set conn = new adodb.connection conn.open "driver={mysql odbc 3.51 driver}" _  & ";server=" & server_name _  & ";database=" & database_name _  & ";uid=" & user_id _  & ";pwd=" & password _  & ";option=16427" ' option 16427 = convert longlong int:    strsql = "insert  parts(idparts, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4,   part 5) " & _             "values (' " & 2 & " ' , '" & 1 & "' , '" & 2 & "' , '" &     3 & "' , '" & 4 & "' , '" & 5 & "' )"  conn.execute strsql   close connections on error resume next rs.close set rs = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing on error goto 0  end sub 

the .net connector uses uid odbc connector used vba uses user. i've ever used option=3 well.

conn.open "driver={mysql odbc 3.51 driver}" _     & ";server=" & server_name _     & ";database=" & database_name _     & ";user=" & user_id _     & ";pwd=" & password _     & ";option=16427" ' option 16427 = convert longlong int: 

you can test connection running simple sql query.

strsql = "select * parts;" conn.execute strsql 

if throws error, still have issue.

also, in code have spaces either side of 2. correct?

"values (' " & 2 & " ' ,


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