
Showing posts from June, 2012

mint - cinnamon keep window below -

i'm running mint 17 cinnamon, know can "always top" window, can't find way "always bottom" window. in fact, i'm running fullscreen app (remote-viewer), wish other applications never go behind. i'm using devilspie , gdevilspie config this: ( if ( begin ( contains ( window_name ) "something_in_windows_name" ) ) ( begin ( fullscreen ) ( below ) ( println "match" ) ) ) it set windows "something_in_windows_name" fullscreen + force below other (except background icons etc)

outlook vba - Macro button disappears following restart -

quick: a button execute vba code disappears after ol2007 restarted. detail: i have code mark multiple mails spam here . works expected. when create button in ribbon can use button expected. when close , restart outlook button disappears. there 1 noticeable effect: when try recreate button, there no macros listed under topic macros. when open vb-editor, see macros. can re-create button, again works expected. i tried execute outlook administrator: no change - same effect. thought might have writing data. i have other macros, still operate, buttons. system: win7-64 home

java - Custom List View Adapter Syntax for images -

i new android development , in process of creating first app. app takes picture, previews picture, randomly selects picture database upload server , displays json text information in listview. i trying use custom list view adapter allow json information's corresponding picture in listview , not imageview. i have thoroughly researched listview adapters understand syntax , place code implement listview picture properly. however, receiving 4 error messages prevent code compiling. realize there other posts similar topics on website, have dug around them , tried implement states solutions no success. below code: public class jsonbuilderactivity extends listactivity { private progressdialog pdialog; //url json private static string url = "........."; //json node names private static final string tag_cars = "cars"; //root private static final string tag_carid = "carid"; private static final string tag_carvin = ...

javascript - Rating module makes an input radio change -

i have rating module on webpage : <div class="rating"> <label for="rate_1"class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"><input type="radio" id="rate_1" name="rating" value="1"></label> <label for="rate_2"class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"><input type="radio" id="rate_2" name="rating" value="2"></label> <label for="rate_3"class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"><input type="radio" id="rate_3" name="rating" value="3"></label> <label for="rate_4"class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"><input type="radio" id="rate_4" name="rating" value="4"></label> <label for="rate_5"class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"><input type="radio" id="rate_5...

sql - How to remove the column in group by -

i working on query want mg.actid appear select column not within group by because not listing results want. group structure getting spoiled if have in group by . please let me know how retain in select column , remove group by . want group by sr.rsrcid , sr.frsntnm , sr.lstm query : select (sr.lstnm+ ', '+ sr.frstnm) 'employee name', mg.actid goalid, sr.rsrcid empid, count(mg.actid) '# goals', sum(case when prntactid != '' 1 else 0 end) '# aligned' tm.sresource sr left outer join tm.matrixgoal mg on sr.rsrcid = mg.rsrcid , mg.delflg = 0 mg.activeflg = 1 group sr.rsrcid,sr.lstnm,sr.frstnm order sr.lstnm,sr.frstnm one way use 'partition by' clause in aggregate functions (like sum , count), , select distinct rows data set. effectively, move group statement partition each aggregate, this: select distinct (sr.lstnm+ ', '+ sr.frstnm) 'employee name', mg.actid g...

mysql - Upgrading to Bugzilla 5.0 -

while setting bugzilla 5.0, running ./ ran beauty: removing existing compiled templates... precompiling templates...done. fixing file permissions... adding foreign key: test_case_components.component_id -> dbd::mysql::db failed: cannot add foreign key constraint [for statement "alter table test_case_components add constraint fk_test_case_components_component_id_components_id foreign key (component_id) references components(id) on update cascade on delete cascade"] @ bugzilla/ line 642. bugzilla::db::bz_add_fks(bugzilla::db::mysql=hash(0x6c66e10), "test_case_components", hash(0x61a5f30), hash(0xa283c48)) called @ bugzilla/ line 546 bugzilla::db::bz_setup_foreign_keys(bugzilla::db::mysql=hash(0x6c66e10)) called @ bugzilla/install/ line 745 bugzilla::install::db::update_table_definitions(hash(0x1522580)) called @ ./ line 172 is due database setup? has else ran this? if have patch worked you? ...

java - Could not call my webservice for trust issue in android -

i wrote method in android call webservice. public void helloworld() { soapobject request = new soapobject(namespace, method_name); soapserializationenvelope envelope = new soapserializationenvelope( soapenvelope.ver11); envelope.dotnet = true; envelope.setoutputsoapobject(request); httptransportse androidhttptransport = new httptransportse(url); try {, envelope); soapprimitive response = (soapprimitive) envelope.getresponse(); log.e("ali", response.tostring()); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } but when call function, return : trust anchor certification path not found. how fix in advance the answer described in site :

java - Sending Request Using A Separate Thread -

i'm trying send api request yelp android application. got sample code send request in java here it worked when ran script provided in repository, however, when added code android application, got error. here's android app code: protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); yelpapi yelp = new yelpapi( getstring(r.string.yelp_consumer_key), getstring(r.string.yelp_consumer_secret), getstring(r.string.yelp_token), getstring(r.string.yelp_token_secret)); string result = yelp.searchforbusinessesbylocation("bar", "san jose, ca"); system.out.println(result); } and stack trace: --------- beginning of crash 07-23 12:50:23.848 e/androidruntime﹕ fatal exception: main process: pid: 2328 java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity compone...

mysql - Trasform this select with subquery in update -

i have following query: select (select min(ifnull(lead2.id_father, id_father leads lead2 lead2.telefone_residencial = lead1.telefone_residencial or lead2.telefone_residencial = lead1.telefone_celular or lead2.telefone_residencial = lead1.telefone_comercial or lead2.telefone_celular = lead1.telefone_residencial or lead2.telefone_celular = lead1.telefone_celular or lead2.telefone_celular = lead1.telefone_comercial or lead2.telefone_comercial = lead1.telefone_residencial or lead2.telefone_comercial = lead1.telefone_celular or lead2.telefone_comercial = lead1.telefone_comercial or =, leads lead1 limit 1000 i need make this, update. tried failed. update leads lead1 set id_father= (select min(ifnull(lead2.id_father, ...

c# - Is it an antipattern to use both traditional click events and ICommand? -

generally, think it's practice use icommands handle button clicks need (such save user input). however, when button strictly on ui, open modal dialog, view model doesn't need handle that, or aware happened. in such cases, seems makes more sense use button's click event handler, mixing , matching seems potential anti-pattern. correct in thinking so? for example: var openmodalbutton = new button(); += onmodalbuttonclick; //elsewhere in view... var saveinputbutton = new button { command = _vm.saveinput }; it's not inherently clear looking @ code why 1 uses command, , why 1 uses click event. jedediah, i , mix , match. (for me) there 1 or 2 cases this, , idea of patterns , architecture make code easier read , simplify things. adding lot of code ensure mvvm pattern followed seems complicates things in case. said, way i've seen handled bind button viewmodel icommand, , use "mediator" or "service" launch dia...

Uploading an image to Github issue with API and Python -

i using github api create issue (specifically, requests module in python). i need include picture in issue content, could't find way worked me. could please suggest works python? thanks edit: done github markdowns linking pictures stored @ amazon s3. assuming able post things issues page of given repository follow these steps post image. @ first found annoying post pictures github... github uses markdown , markdown can theoretically use image sourced on computer (this believe works on markdown host) can provide link or image source on internet... particularly convenient posting pictures github... github or can use dropbox, picasa, photobucket, instagram, or flixster or 20 other image hosting services on internet, point once image has href="" can host markdown file. like so: ![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) ![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "optional title") ![github logo](/images/logo.png) format: ![alt...

ruby on rails - How do i populate a select with a db call based on another select -

i have form whereby dropdown 2 populated result of selection made in select dropdown 1. if dropdown 1 one had options a, b & c (separate call database) if select application variable , populate dropdown 2 returned results. i thinking done in number of ways have not quite figured out direction take. first approach going take perform calls straight away , add values associated a, b , c dropdown 1 when activated additional values populate dropdown 2. additionally trying figure how fire http call dynamically based on user hitting first select. can give pointers how achieve this. edit an example of how perform http gets def get_call(routepath) started_at = enc_url = uri.encode("#{settings.abacus_service_endpoint}#{routepath}") uri = uri.parse(enc_url) http =, uri.port) req =, get_header_for_abacus_service) resp = http.request(req) logger.bench 'service - get', started_a...

flex4 - Getting error "org.apache.flex.compiler:mxmlc:jar" when trying to compile with FlexMojos 7.0.1 and Apache Flex 4.14 -

i'm migrating application had working adobe flex 4.6 , flexmojos 4 apache flex 4.14 , flexmojos 7. when try execute "mvn build" i'm getting error: [error] unresolveable build extension: plugin net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin:7.0.1 or 1 of dependencies not resolved: following artifacts not resolved: org.apache.flex.compiler:mxmlc:jar:, org.apache.flex.compiler:digest:jar:, org.apache.flex.compiler:optimizer:jar:, org.apache.flex.compiler:asdoc:jar:, org.apache.flex.compiler:swcdepends:jar:, org.apache.flex:compiler:pom: failure find org.apache.flex.compiler:mxmlc:jar: in cached in local repository, resolution not reattempted until update interval of flex-mojos-repository has elapsed or updates forced -> [help 2] [error] unknown packaging: swf @ line 5, column 13 this pom.xml...

c++ - Implementing Data Structure using levels of abstraction -

lets assume i'm implement stack using dynamic array allocation. have following classes , functions. data.h class data { public: data(std::string fname, int age) : name(fname) , age(age) {} private: std::string name; int age; } stackarray.h #include "data.h" class stackarray { public: stackarray(int ssize) : size(ssize), top(-1) { dataarray = new data[size]; }; ~stackarray() { delete[] dataarray; }; stackarray& operator=(stackarray& stackarrayobj) { //use copy&swap here }; stack(const stackarray& stackarrayobj); bool isfull(); bool isempty(); void push(data& dataobj); void pop(); private: data* dataarray; int top; int size; } if implement above, works quite well. of recent, i've been asked implement above 2 is, have separate implementation core stack functionalities. so now, if move push , pop , isfull , isempty new stack definition, purpose of class stackarray...

How to get chrome extension's meta information (e.g. version, name) from Chrome Web Store? -

i want chrome extension's version, name chrome web store. for example, can see app name "do not merge wip github" , app version "1.0.6" in application's detail html page . how these meta data? i can find publish api. using chrome web store publish api - google chrome html page uses ajax/detail api, feel api internal. e.g. ajax/detail api related: api call user count in chrome web store? - stack overflow chrome webstore search api lookup name app id - stack overflow i'm afraid can't public apis. the publish api doesn't work metadata, this can extract. so people scrape web store page.

excel - vba repeating numbers next to each other -

okay have variable sized array in excel. using vba i'd find if there repeating values, values next each other same, not in whole column. i know in excel use if statement, how spread out whole sheet using loops. im extremely novice vba. first attempt, didn't work though , don't know how continue. total value entered in user ok = true j = 2 24 l =1 total if activecell.offset(j, l).select = activecell.offset(j + 5, l) , activecell.offset(j + 4, l) , activecell.offset(j + 3, l) , activecell.offset(j + 2, l) , activecell.offset(j + 1, l) ok = false end if next next if want flag rows repeat, check value in row above see if it's same. if so, flag column. example: with range("b2:b24") .formula = "=if(a2=a1,""x"","""")" .value = .value end this how appear following dataset: ╔════════╦═══════╗ ║ col ║ col b ║ ╠════════╬═══════╣ ║ ...

python - pandas: how to eliminate rows with value ending with a specific character? -

i have pandas dataframe follows: mail = dataframe({'mail' : ['', '', '', '', '', '', '']}) that looks like: mail 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 what want filter out (elimiante) rows in value in column mail ends ''. you can use str.endswith , negate result of boolean series ~ : mail[~mail['mail'].str.endswith('')] which produces: mail 2 3 4 5 6 pandas has many other vectorised string operations accessible through .str accessor. many of ...

excel - could not find installable isam [] -

i have following problem, using connection string: "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" + filename + ";extended properties=excel 12.0 xml;" then, can execute open-task. nevertheless, if want use following connection string: "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" + filename + ";extended properties=excel 12.0 xml;hdr=no" i mistake, saying me installable isam not found. what wrong second connection string, need 1 because in worksheet no headers used. thanks in advance if want query excel you must have '$' sign after sheet name in order define sheet table. anyway code wrote purpose: try dim myconnetion new oledbconnection dim dataset dim mycommand dim path string = fullpath myconnetion = new"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=" + p...

ios - How to hide control center in ionic/corodova? -

i'm running issue because of ux decision of app. i have footer bar on screens, require swipe open details of user profile. in ios when swipe bottom of screen up, happens control center come in front of app. but saw applications when swipe way, control center prompt pointer, swipe again pointer control center come up. comum in games, 1 example youtube app. i want know if possible kind of behavior in app, through cordova or ionic. here screens of app better context of i'm talking about. [ to behavior you're talking about, need add statusbar plugin , set status bar hidden. cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar then add following apps info.plist file: <key>uistatusbarhidden</key> <true/> <key>uiviewcontrollerbasedstatusbarappearance</key> <false/> it may still override bottom swipe however. luck!

java - normalizing String with adding appropriate spacing -

probably broad question stackoverflow here goes, i'm trying normalize words within sentence, example: input: i developgeographicallydispersed teams through asdweq. output (notice spaces between develop geographically dispersed ) i develop geographically dispersed teams through asdweq. since using external api out of option ( e.g. using google api ). require design our in house java api the obvious , naive solution this: for word in sentence do: if word in dictionary ignore else: if word reduce-able set of dictionary keywords split else ignore od; so before start such approach, question if there better way of doing it? example open source library , or different approach? did have @ flex , bison ? helps create scanner , define patterns text processing, should find trick map parser existing dictionary in case.

json - DeepEqual: Why does an unmarshalled map return DeepEqual() results differently than a seemingly identical literal -

i don't understand how compare unmarshalled json. example: package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" "encoding/json" ) func main() { := map[string]interface{} {"foo": 1, "bar": 2} b := map[string]interface{} {"bar": 2, "foo": 1} fmt.printf("literal b %v, deepequal %v\n", b, reflect.deepequal(a, b)) err := json.unmarshal([]byte(`{"bar": 2, "foo": 1}`), &b) if err != nil { panic("could not unmarshal") } fmt.printf("umarshalled b %v, deepequal %v\n", b, reflect.deepequal(a, b)) } prints literal b map[bar:2 foo:1], deepequal true umarshalled b map[bar:2 foo:1], deepequal false what different b initialized literal , b after json unmarshalled upon it? this answers question: fmt.printf("%t\n", b["foo"]) // prints "float64" after unmarshaling. json numbers 64-bit f...

polymer 1.0 - Access element on-tap handler from host element on-keypress handler -

i developing building block element a11y-icon used supporting accessibility. custom element should provide keyboard event handler when user presses key on icon. <dom-module id="a11y-icon"> <template> <iron-icon icon="{{icon}}" style="{{style}}" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label$="{{description}}" on-keypress="_keypresshandler"></iron-icon> </template> </dom-module> <script> polymer({ is: "a11y-icon", properties: { icon: string, style: string, description: string }, _keypresshandler: function(event) { var code = event.keycode; // accept enter or spacebar key if (code == 13 || code == 32) { // todo: call on-tap handler defined in element uses a11y-icon } } }); </script> when developer uses...

tfsbuild - Visual Studio Online CI daily builds fail since switching to VS 2015 and using C# 6 Roslyn features -

since switching vs 2013 vs 2015 , using new c# 6 features, our daily builds in visual studio online have begun failing. the errors on build pointing new auto property feature assume new features cause this. an example piece of code causes failure using: public int myfavouritenumber { get; set; } = 7; instead of private int _myfavouritenumber = 7; public int myfavouritenumber { { return _myfavouritenumber; } set { _myfavouritenumber = value; } } i've had around build configuration, can't see relates c# 6 or roslyn . what have change make daily builds work again? edit here's example error (they're same, auto properties). models\core\bookings\bookingproduct.cs (29, 0) invalid token '=' in class, struct, or interface member declaration models\core\bookings\bookingproduct.cs (29, 0) invalid token '(' in class, struct, or interface member declaration and here offending line: public virt...

eclipse - Strange Java NullPointer with SQLlite and JavaFX initialization - paths? (Maven) -

i've got problem project , didn't find matching solution yet: our project written in java, uses javafx 1.8 , sqllite db. use maven build our jars. pom attached @ bottom. point maybe, we're using internalization of javafx , getting our resourceboundles sqllite db too. our program working great when startet in eclipse not work @ when started jar. just into: need db, initialize 1 if no db file exists. in step, running of programm gives necessery checks tables checked, db filled a.s.o.. creates db file next .jar afterwards - when db should accessed we're getting nullpointer without(!?) stacktrace. i tried launch .jar copying existing , working db eclipse project before. routine gets steps further, want live information (select something...) db, program ends in catch block, saying not search in db. do maybe have clue how can debug this? or @ least how reproduce in eclipse? some more thoughts: interesting if go in menu graph stored in db drawn, works... can m...

actionscript 3 - progress event triggering on complete event -

i trying load swf2 inside swf1 , show swf2's loading progress. after doing progressevent.progress triggering when swf2 downloads completely. please suggest me change. have done as import flash.display.loader; import; import; import; var myloader = new loader(); myloader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(progressevent.progress, onprogress); myloader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(event.complete, oncomplete); myloader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(ioerrorevent.io_error, onioerror); myloader.load(new urlrequest("swf/set1.swf")); function onprogress(evt:progressevent):void { var npercent:number = math.round((evt.bytesloaded / evt.bytestotal) * 100); temp.text = npercent.tostring() + "%"; } function oncomplete(evt:event):void { myloader.contentloaderinfo.removeeventlistener(progressevent.progress, onprogress); myloader.contentloaderinfo.removeeventlistener(event.compl...

wordpress - set featured image option not appearing after adding theme support for custom post -

i using custom post type ui , advance custom field plugins crate custom post type , fields. i created custom post type , fields. did use add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); in functions.php file set featured image option not appearing in custom post type option. for clarity have attached images here: as can see below mentioned image shows custom post type not allowing me set featured image.(no "set featured image" option on right side) this image shows custom fields created custom post type. check correct. i have set rules show field group if post type equal portfolio.and have set style standard wp metabox. the third image here make clear have enabled featured image option custom post type. so, can please why not getting featured image option custom post types here? am missing something? below functions.php file adding theme support post-thumbanils. need register post-thumbanails custom post types? functions.php: <?php add_the...

lexical analysis - Difference "Flex and Bison" code in windows and linux -

i working through sample code o'reilly press book entitled "flex , bison". using gnu c compiler windows flex , bison binary install windows launched using gcc rather linux cc command. problem code if copied directly book not compile , have had hack bit work. example book example 1-1. word count fb1-1.l /* unix wc */ %{ int chars = 0; int words = 0; int lines = 0; %} %% [a-za-z]+ { words++; chars += strlen(yytext); } \n { chars++; lines++; } . { chars++; } %% main(int argc, char **argv) { yylex(); printf("%8d%8d%8d\n", lines, words, chars); } i compiled code in flowing way using windows command line: flex file.l gcc lex.yy.c -o a.exe it crashed stating yywrap() not found. added , worked did not complete printf in main function hung waiting more input! here solution works feels hack , not in full understanding of process. /* unix wc */ %{ *#include <string.h>* int chars = 0; int words = 0; int lines = ...

Powershell: read computer monitor size from WMI script then write in a list -

i need list monitor sizes. found script here it works single computer. want change import computerlist , export csv. param($computername = 'computername') $output = [pscustomobject]@{computername = $computername;monitorsizes=''} $owmi = get-wmiobject -namespace 'rootwmi' -computername $computername -query "select maxhorizontalimagesize,maxverticalimagesize wmimonitorbasicdisplayparams"; $sizes = @(); if ($owmi.count -gt 1) { foreach ($i in $owmi) { $x = [system.math]::pow($i.maxhorizontalimagesize/2.54,2) $y = [system.math]::pow($i.maxverticalimagesize/2.54,2) $sizes += [system.math]::round([system.math]::sqrt($x + $y),0) }##endforeach } else { $x = [system.math]::pow($owmi.maxhorizontalimagesize/2.54,2) $y = [system.math]::pow($owmi.maxverticalimagesize/2.54,2) $sizes += [system.math]::round([system.math]::sqrt($x + $y),0) }##endif $output.monitorsizes = $sizes $output example results: compu...

java - why the logical operators change the object -

why when use below code eclipse highlights (!line.equals("")) red , says: null pointer access: variable line can null @ location but not receive warning message if used : && instead of ||? code : string line = br.readline(); if ( (line != null) || (!line.equals("")) ) { } else { log.d(tag, "main", "file empty"); } this classic "short circuit". for && case: if ((line != null) && (!line.equals("")) { if line equal null, there no reason compiler process second part of if statement. whole if statement must false. short circuits second part of if statement, , don't null reference exception. when switch && ||, compiler have process second part of if statement, because if either part true whole thing true. therefore, can null reference exception. note: if can use stringutils of apache commons-lang both checks in one: if (stringutil...

facebook - Cannot find symbol class error in Android Studio -

i have problem in open old project , errors below. searched on internet how solve it. project has dependencies facebook don't know why doesn't appear in modules (automatic gradle) , when try import new facebook sdk, tells me have facebook module... same problem? error:(26, 20) error: cannot find symbol class request error:(27, 20) error: cannot find symbol class session error:(28, 20) error: cannot find symbol class sessionstate error:(29, 20) error: cannot find symbol class uilifecyclehelper error:(30, 26) error: package com.facebook.model not exist error:(31, 27) error: package com.facebook.widget not exist error:(110, 13) error: cannot find symbol class uilifecyclehelper error:(111, 20) error: package session not exist error:(540, 45) error: cannot find symbol class session gradle: buildscript { repositories { mavencentral() maven { url '' } } dependencies { classpath ' mvc - Prevent multiple logins -

i trying block multiple logins same user in application. idea update security stamp when user signin , add claim, in every single request comparing stamp cookie 1 in database. how i've implemented that: public virtual async task<actionresult> login([bind(include = "email,password,rememberme")] loginviewmodel model, string returnurl) { if (!modelstate.isvalid) { return view(model); } signinstatus result = await signinmanager.passwordsigninasync(, model.password, model.rememberme, false); switch (result) { case signinstatus.success: var user = usermanager.findbyemail(; var id =; usermanager.updatesecuritystamp(; var securitystamp = usermanager.findbyemail(; usermanager.addclaim(id, new claim("securitystamp", secur...

Java 8: When the use of Interface static methods becomes a bad practice? -

from java 8, can have default methods , static methods in interfaces. the constant interface pattern poor use of interfaces known constant interface antipattern . >effective java , item 17 : the constant interface pattern poor use of interfaces . class uses constants internally implementation detail. implementing constant interface causes implementation detail leak class's exported api. of no consequence users of class class implements constant interface. in fact, may confuse them. worse, represents commitment: if in future release class modified no longer needs use constants, still must implement interface ensure binary compatibility. if nonfinal class implements constant interface, of subclasses have namespaces polluted constants in interface. there several constant interfaces in java platform libraries, such these interfaces should regarded anomalies , should not emulated. if use of constant interfaces...

c# - cross application identity authentication -

i creating new web application possibly expand in future serve data ios , android applications. i have 1 api project has capability authenticate users , serve data. i have razor web pages application managing end of website same application. is possible use authentication have created in api project admin application handle authentication future mobile apps? i'm using identity authentication, happy change whatever required accomodate. i have searched fair bit, keywords must way off because can't find much.

html - Div Lines in FusionChart XT aren't working in IE11 -

i trying display 2 charts fusionchartxt div lines don't show in second chart in ie. first chart looking right , on other chart div lines disappear. this part of second chart in chrome: and how looks in ie: is possible won't work because of html structure? these divs: this issue identified in version 3.7. however, latest version seems fixed. { "divlinecolor" : "#999999", "divlinethickness" : "1", "divlineisdashed" : "1", "divlinedashlen" : "1", "divlinegaplen" : "1", "showxaxisline" : "1", "xaxislinethickness" : "1", "xaxislinecolor" : "#999999", "showalternatehgridcolor" : "0", } fiddle