html - Hide a page section then reveal it when a link is clicked- JQuery -
i have question within page , want user able able have go answering before answer revealed. have 2 options. 1 link show clues , ideas , 1 link show completed conclusion. firstly tried setting original property not display section using .show() reveal wasn't working. had working code similar purpose tried using .addclass method instead. didn't work either assume must links or can't see because new jquery. advice appreciated! here's code: <section id="page6section2"><div class="page-header"><h1>some ideas</h1></div> <section id="page6section3"><div class="page-header"><h1>conclusion</h1></div> <p><a href="#page6section2" id="someideas">click here clues , ideas!</a> </p> <p><a href="#page6section3" id="conclusion">click here conclusion!</a> .hidesection2 {dis...