
Showing posts from January, 2012

camera - Permission to take photo OR get image from library not shown in iOS9 (Xcode 7beta, Swift2) -

the code below shows example access image lib. no matter call code (view) not see permission dialog phone popping , therefore cannot allow app access either camera or library. also, privacy settings not show app either. thoughts? i'm going nuts. let imgpicker = uiimagepickercontroller() imgpicker.sourcetype = uiimagepickercontrollersourcetype.photolibrary imgpicker.modalpresentationstyle = uimodalpresentationstyle.popover self.presentviewcontroller(imgpicker, animated: true, completion: nil) another way tried if uiimagepickercontroller.issourcetypeavailable( { let imagepicker:uiimagepickercontroller = self.imagepickercontroller imagepicker.allowsediting = true imagepicker.sourcetype = imagepicker.cameracapturemode = uiimagepickercontrollercameracapture...

javascript - Angular Typeahead: click on suggestion and instantly make a post? -

i working on project , i'm using siyfion's angular typeahead . have typeahead searching users. when username found in suggestions dropdown should able click on name or press enter directly make post instead of needing press button post. work need "catch" click- or return-event on 1 of user names. below find html , js , made plunker makes things more clear. does know how can catch click , return events? tips welcome! <body ng-controller="mainctrl"> <input class='typeahead' type="text" sf-typeahead options="exampleoptions" datasets="numbersdataset" ng-model="selectedname"> <input type="button" value="post user server" type="text" ng-click="postusertoserver("> </body> here js code: var app = angular.module('plunker', ['siyfion.sftypeahead']); app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope) { ...

Git checkout to discard changes -

i trying discard local changes , seems after type $ git checkout -- . .. changes seem still there... if try: $ git checkout head . .. works, changes discarded! why happening? ideas? hint: changes seem relevant line endings, no real content edited (that why needed discard after all) update : use git 1.9.5 windows. local changes unstaged, uncommited, under workingtree after upgraded git version this stopped happening (maybe earlier version - bettween 1.9.5 , 2.11.1 - had solved issue)

html - Image not staying inside div when window is large -

i have image needs in particular location, made div in place need , added img tag inside it, although img tag inside div tag image goes bottom right corner of page. not happen when browser window small. css: #teamimg { width:10%; height:50px; background-color:blue; overflow: auto; float:left; } html: <div id="teamimg"> <img src="images/picture.png" alt="image" height="18" width="20" class="itemimg" style="float:left"> </div> set overflow:hidden on #teamimg rule, can put image background-image background-size:cover; . :)

gnupg - How is the process of signing and verifying a release and why apache says that the signature file signed by a public key? -

i have started learning gpg , bit confused infos have found. gnupg documentation says that a signature created using private key of signer but @ apache's site , say: the signature file digest of original file signed public key ... and on same site, in section , following: a digital signature created original document using private key . now suppose process of signing involves signing hash of release using private key of holder , not public 1 apache says in second link have posted, or wrong? otherwise, how ever able decrypt hash of release signed public key if he/she doesn't have private key of holder? then, explain in processes of signing , verifying signature consist , passages, e.g. software release apache maven ? tl;dr : there mistake in documentation, understanding of signatures right. the signature file digest of original file signed public [sic, should private] key... signing document performed calculating hash sum of docum...

multithreading - C# static constructor initialization thread safety while filling ConcurrentDictionary -

i'm calling var person = persondb.pdict["395096"]; can explain me why code blocks: static class persondb { internal static readonly concurrentdictionary<string, person> pdict; static persondb() { pdict = new concurrentdictionary<string, person>(); var headers = file.readlines(findpath.datasetperson).first().split(';'); file.readlines(findpath.datasetperson).asparallel().skip(1).select(s => s.split(';')).forall(fa => pdict.tryadd(fa[0], new person() { = enumerable.range(0, fa.length).todictionary(t => headers[t], d => fa[d]) }) ); } } sealed class person { public dictionary<string, string> all; } while part not block: static class persondb { internal static readonly concurrentdictionary<string, person> pdict; static persondb() { pdict = new concurrentdictionary<string, person>(); var headers = file.readlines(f...

jquery - How to change a seleclist options from another selectlist? -

i have 2 seleclists. want filter second selectlist options first select list. here code: $(document).ready(function() { $('#sehir').change(function() { var sehir = $(this).find('option:selected').text(); var options = $('#ilce').filter('[label=' + sehir + ']'); $('#ilce').html(options); }); }); and first selectlist: <select name="sehirid" id="sehir" class="form-control"> <option value="1">option 1</option> <option value="2">option 2</option> <option value="3">option 3</option> </select> second selectlist: <select name="ilceid" id="ilce" class="form-control"> <optgroup label="option 1"> <option parent="option 1" value="1">option 1</option> <option parent="option 1...

database - what's the max number of parameters you can pass into IN list of check constraint ? for PostgreSQL -

how many values added in "in" list of check constraint? alter table customer_part_1 add check(cust_key in ('cust1', 'cust2', 'cust3', 'cust4', 'cust5' ................. ?? )) i believe no limit, look @ here recommen use join instead... on long lists

haskell - Finding a single element in a list using list comprehension -

the function valueof gets int value of corresponding string out of tuple list. can explain how third line works? type state = [(string,int)] valueof :: state -> string -> int valueof xs var = head [b | (a,b) <- xs , ==var ] i've never seen haskell expression that, i'm more used expression this: (\xs -> length xs > 15) there no lambda expression. seeing list comprehension, way of creating list of values satisfying condition. in case comprehension [b | (a,b) <- xs , ==var ] means like: create list of b s such (a, b) element of list xs , a equal var . in imperative pseudo-code write as result = empty_list (a,b) in xs: if == var: result.add(b) return result so, whole valueof function works generating list of values have right string key, , uses head function first one. note if there no match, whole computation crash.

wso2carbon - WSO2 with OSB11g Issue :CannotCreate Null value provided: initial value -

please me stuck issue. i made uddi registry wso2 governance registry, able publish osb proxy wso2 governance registry, published service visible in wso2 governance registry, when trying import same service in osb uddi wso2 governance registry. here error message on osb console:cannotcreate null value provided: initial value osb server logs: osb server complete logs: <[active] executethread: '1' queue: 'weblogic.kernel.default (self-tuning)'> <> <> <0515430f871fd517:19c2202:14efd42a60d:-8000-0000000000000111> <1438769939970> <[active] executethread: '13' queue: 'weblogic.kernel.default (self-tuning)'> <> <0515430f871fd517:19c2202:14efd42a60d:-8000-0000000000000131> <1438769977434> java.lang.illegalargumentexception: null value provided: initial value @ com.bea.wli.config.task.impl.sessionedtask.assertnotnull( @

javascript - How to set style in angularjs depending on a different element height after page load? -

i have header element has dynamic height initialized once. want set element, foo, in scrollable view of angular app has height of screen, minus header height. fit onto screen. below element has height 100vh - dynamic size, more elements. i read 1 can use this: var myheight = angular.element(document.queryselector('#header'))[0].offsetheight and use in dynamic inline styling e.g. <foo style="height: calc(100vh - {{myheight}})"> note: calc css function. but use it? when app loaded correct height? try this $scope.$on('$viewcontentloaded', function(){ //here view content loaded !! }); there more ways more info can check this

c++ - How much DATA section memory is loaded along with Code section in C -

i have created shared library have static const data section , code section of 4 functions. here details of static const data section, static const u32 t0[256] = { 256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t1[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t2[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t3[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t4[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t5[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t6[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t7[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t8[256] = {256 non_zero value }; static const u32 t9[10] = {10 non_zero value }; different functions defined below static const section int a(); int b(); // access different index of t0 - t3 table void c(); void d(); as per understanding text/code section contain executable instruction whereas data section contain initialized static data ( simplicity in case static const) inside c() function , different index of t0,t...

php - Errors connecting to MySQL database from alternate domain -

i have 2 domains on 2 separate servers, , . i have website , mysql database setup on foo want migrate bar , bar doesn't have mysql. as solution, i'm moving files across leaving database on foo , , connecting remotely. i'm connecting so: connect.php $hostname = ''; $username = 'username'; $password = 'password'; $dbname = 'database'; try { $dbh = new pdo("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password); } catch(pdoexception $e){ echo($e->getmessage()); } this works fine on when migrate file error: sqlstate[hy000] [2003] can't connect mysql server on '' (110) i can have 2 sites, , open in 2 windows, , 1 work while other doesn't - despite fact both connecting (or trying connect) same database. why happening , how can rectified? the database server not configured listen on n...

php - laravel form helper htmlentities error -

i'm using laravel 5.1 , struggling resolve problem handling old form data retrieved using 'form::old()' my form field names arrays. when form submitted if there's validation issue user redirected expected , aiming retrieve values submitted re-populate form. in case values returned in array. however standard form helper unable handle arrays. returns error: htmlentities() expects parameter 1 string, array given so decided try , intercept error , create own helper function capture array, retrieve correct value , pass create form element. here's helper function: public function arrayhidden($name, $value = null, $options = array()) { if(isset($options) && array_key_exists('key', $options) && is_array($value)) { $value = $value[$options['key']]; } return $this->input('hidden', $name, $value, $options); } here's how i'm using in page: form::arrayhidden('id[]', form::old(...

javascript - how to reload data without refreshing page with pagination -

i have code below, , im trying update data without refreshing page pagination. have tried many thing taken stackoverflow not succeeded. php-- <?php $auth_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_get['id']); $auths_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_get['id']); /** * @link: */ //connect database include_once ('db/config_books.php'); //get function include_once ('includes/function_ulema.php'); $page = (int) (!isset($_get["page"]) ? 1 : $_get["page"]); $limit = 5; $startpoint = ($page * $limit) - $limit; //to make pagination $statement = "books b left outer join authors_compile_rel ar on ( = ar.book_id) b.status = 1 , ( b.auth_id = '".$auth_id."' or b.t_auth_id = '".$auth_id."' or ar.auth_id = '".$auth_id."' )"; ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transi...

How to overlap plot in python? -

i have program plot values. i want change values in script , plot overlap. how can it? thanks plot in python you again. for instance, if did: plt.scatter(x,y,z, etc) plt.scatter(x1,y1,z1, etc) you'd plot both of those. you may want specify colors of second 1 because otherwise, start on first color use. i regularly plot contour on contourf way.

javascript - Safe way to store data for button clicks -

i trying find out safest way store data use when user clicks on button. i know can store data in attributes(either value attribute or data- attribute) of button tag so: <button type="button" value="1" data-value="1">click me!</button> but problem user(probably advanced users) can manipulate value firebug or other app , click button , send on different data. understand need check input before try sent data. i found out use jquery's .data() attach data dom elements, seems bit more useful. i'm not sure how data stored, assume harder manipulate. what got me interested in question when looking through soundcloud's code in firebug, saw none of "like" buttons had data attached buttons. tried deleting/manipulating elements/data , buttons still worked. got me thinking using similar process jquerys data() doing. i want know if there safer way store data or way user can't manipulate data before clicking button. ...

NoMethodError, undefined method in my controller Ruby on Rails -

i'm getting nomethoderror @ /article undefined method 'article_category' mongoid::criteria article model class article include mongoid::document include mongoid::timestamps field :title, type: string field :content, type: string belongs_to :user #kategorie belongs_to :article_category article controler class articlescontroller < applicationcontroller def article @article = article.order_by(created_at: 'desc').page params[:page] end def view_article @article = article.find(params[:id]) end end articlecategory model class articlecategory include mongoid::document include mongoid::timestamps field :name, type: string has_many :articles end article_category controller class articlecategoriescontroller < applicationcontroller def category # give view categories list @categories = articlecategory.order("created_at desc") end def show @category = articlecategory.find(params[...

python - If test on DataFrame that excludes first column -

i have following dataframe: raw_data_4iftest= time f1 f2 2082-05-03 00:00:59.961599999 2082-05-03 00:00:59.961599999 -83.820000 29.430000 2082-05-03 00:02:00.009600000 2082-05-03 00:02:00.009600000 -84.330002 28.940001 2082-05-03 00:02:59.971200000 2082-05-03 00:02:59.971200000 -84.660004 27.940001 2082-05-03 00:04:00.019200000 2082-05-03 00:04:00.019200000 -84.699997 -84.69999 dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=1440, freq=none, tz=none) i run if-test on dataframe excludes 'time' column - i.e. along lines of: if (*cells*) in raw_data_4iftest !='datetime64[ns]' # if cell **not** datetime64 object raw_data_iftest = raw_data_4iftest >= 0.05 raw_data_iftest_num = raw_data_iftest.astype(int) so raw_data_iftest_num returns: raw_data_iftest_num= time f1 f2 2082-05-03 00:00:59.961599999 208...

java - How can I connect to a specific wifi network? -

i have devlope project list out wifi connection available near, want connect 1 specific network connection. can do? have got networks in listview. if example available post comment link. private void getwifinetworkslist() { intentfilter filter = new intentfilter(); filter.addaction(wifimanager.scan_results_available_action); final wifimanager wifimanager = (wifimanager) getapplicationcontext() .getsystemservice(context.wifi_service); ; registerreceiver(new broadcastreceiver() { @suppresslint("usevalueof") @override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) { sb = new stringbuilder(); scanlist = wifimanager.getscanresults(); sb.append("\n number of wifi connections :" + " " + scanlist.size() + "\n\n"); adapter = new arrayadapter<string>(draginoactivity.this, android.r.l...

eclipse - Getting a java.lang.NoSuchMethod for a method that exists java 7 -

i'm getting strange error having trouble understanding, can here explain me means? add further detail upon request. here stack trace: java.lang.nosuchmethoderror: com.somecompany.ctg.tla.models.tables.subtopiccolumn.gethaveanynode()ljava/lang/string; @ com.somecompany.ctg.tla.compilers.decisiontablelinker.insertsubtopics( @ com.somecompany.ctg.tla.compilers.decisiontablelinker.attachtopics( @ @ @ @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke( ...

mysql - R Shiny: Table object not found in reactive RMySQL query in shiny app -

[edit]: solution agstudy worked me. i have shiny app allows users toggle between 3 tables in mysql database. users can select table used rendertable generate object. i have put if statements in rendertable respond users' selected table. when run app, table fails print , cannot viewed. server.r library(shiny) library(rmysql) con <- dbconnect(rmysql::mysql(),user="x",password="x",host="dbhost",dbname="db") shinyserver(function(input, output) { data <- reactive({ selectinput("input$data", "choose input:", choices = c('data1'='1','data2'='2', 'data3'='3')) }) output$table <- rendertable({ if(input$data == data1){ query1 <- reactive({ "select * data1 order var1, var2"}) reactive({dbgetquery(con,query1())}) head(data()) } else if(input$da...

How to identify database in SQL Server Profiler? -

in sql server profiler, i've added filter for: databasename mydatabase i log same server , run: select * mydatabase i don't see entries in profiler. remove above filter , run statement again. shows in profiler. any idea why isn't working filter? also, there way filter on 3 databases? in other words, want see execution against 3 databases. on events selection tab of trace properties window, hit "column filters..." button , click on databasename. here can filter database(s). if double click on "like" group after entering first database name, add blank spot enter new name.

Mediawiki automatic "translation", creation of new pages -

required creation of automatically "translated" (using in-house set of rules of transforming old language rules new ones) pages in mediawiki framework. example: page contents "gylden" ("old english" language) has automatically "translated" "golden" (resulting in "contemporary english" page regeneration if modified). both pages "old english" , "contemporary english" have accessible using wikipedia-style subdomains , slugs have same (e.g. , the question if there addon can ease pain of creation in-house "translation" module or best strategy start scratch given problem description? manual "translation" (creation of pages) can not solution due numerous reasons. ps. actual problem converting pre-reformed russian cyrillic data contemporary 1 , involves dictionary look-ups direct substitution of old characters. you have add own langu...

c# - Entity Framework 6 - Extension Methods for DbFunctions -

i unsure if possible yet, diving entity framework 6. migrating away linq2sql, have many user based queries in our engine. dynamically compile code based on user requirements, , have maintain backward compatibility. an example of dynamic query passed in legacy linq2sql may looks (stripped down, sample): from item in context.sometableorview let sub = sub1 in context.sometableorview sub1.datatimestamp > item.datatimestamp.addminutes(60) && sub1.datatimestamp < item.datatimestamp.addminutes(300) select possub1 sub.take(1).any() select item of course, entity framework not have kind of .addminutes(x) support, , must use new dbfunctions static methods. cant break code, must retrofit it. first solution comes mind, replace text has .addminutes(x), or .addseconds(x), or whatever around datetime, , replace new functions , done it. pre-compile, techincally work. suck @ regular expressions. gladly accept answer if knows how though. but understand how entityf...

amazon web services - Issue ElasticBeanStalk/Tomcat war deploy Using EB CLI 3.4.5 (Python 2.7.6) -

set up: src/main/webapp/.ebextensions has following: container_commands: replace-config: command: cp src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/server.xml /etc/tomcat8/server.xml .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml has following: deploy: artifact: target/service.war when try deploy war file using eb-cli, cannot stat 'src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/server.xml': no such file or directory and deploy fails/terminates. pointers on appreciated. thanks @nick humrich helping me debug. final solution eb init target folder (which not in git) , keeping server.xml path .ebextensions/server.xml .

javascript - Static Object in Scene - Three.js -

i have 2 objects in scene. using <script src="js/controls/leaptrackballcontrols.js" ></script> for moving camera, feels objects rotating according movement of hand. the problem other object moving, , want remain in front of me. mean, if camera moves, object in same place inside canvas/explorer. sorry if i'm not explaining myself properly. any appreciated. edit: var controls = new three.leaptrackballcontrols( camera , controller ); so, have sphere in middle of scene. use leaptrackball library move camera around center of scene. makes user feel sphere rotating around center. model = new three.mesh(modelgeo, modelmat); model.geometry.dynamic = true; model.position.set(0, 0, 0); scene.add(model); my problem have shape: mymesh = new three.mesh(circlegeometry, material); mymesh.position.set(0, 0, 10); scene.add(mymesh); that affected rotation of camera. want keep 'fake rotation' of sphere, while other mesh stays in middle of sc...

powershell - select second or third object / element -

i want select second/third/forth object of get-childitem statement in powershell script. gives me first: $first = get-childitem -path $dir | sort-object creationtime -descending | select-object -first 1 this gives me first three: $latest = get-childitem -path $dir | sort-object creationtime -descending | select-object -first 3 i second, or third, or fourth. (not first 2 , on). is there way? for selecting n-th element skip on first n-1 elements: $third = get-childitem -path $dir | sort-object creationtime -descending | select-object -skip 2 | select-object -first 1 or select first n , of last element: $third = get-childitem -path $dir | sort-object creationtime -descending | select-object -first 3 | select-object -last 1 beware, though, 2 approaches yield different results if input has less n elements. first approach return $null in scenario, whereas second appro...

java - download remote file to local directory in windows -

i have 2 windows machines: windows 7 , windows 2008 server r2. looking way download remote file 1 windows machine using java jsch lib. use copy command giving instead of both arguments ips windows machines: copy \\first_windows_machine\c$\dest_file.txt \\second_windows_machine\c$\download_folder\ first_windows_machine - 1 want take file second_windows_mahcine - want save file for implementing in java, can use answer here: file transfer using java

sql server - How to find the names of recently dropped functions? -

apparently can find drop operations in log using: select * sys.fn_dblog(null, null) [transaction name] in ('dropobj'); but need find out dropped (name of function, aggregate etc.) , log seems contain ids , binary data , not name. how names of dropped objects (ideally without use of 3rd party tools)? please see below images hope

javascript - How to manually test front-end and switch between server responses, -

i searching tool create ui choosing between server mockups tests response. (or other solution while creating front-end) i explain: developing front-end webapp. want manual test app ( using mouse , keyboard without test runner ) , without backend server. want see app in many sceniaros., when user sign-in, sign-out.... so want able easily switch between server mock response . i didn't found answer, have developed it! you can see here: settings file: github example of settings file: { "default_show":"true", "data": [ { "method":"get", "url":"/", "response":"great" }, { "name":"test 2", "method":"post", ...

java - Passing custom HashMap between activities in Android -

i have hashmap takes in string id(id of chatroom) key , stores chats specific room in arraylist follow: hashmap<string, arraylist<chatmessage>> chathistoryhashmap = new hashmap<string, arraylist<chatmessage>>(); this created in roomactivity , want pass chatactivity. how able this? tried make public static using "put" method in chatactivity seems nothing, not sure why. i need hashmap passed roomactivity when button pressed in chatactivity. do need use intents? when made static in class variable visible classes in package cannot happen not able value in activity. to access static variable can either make th object of class or can directly access using function name. you can pass object using intent.putextra() , intent.getextra()

internals - Why is __code__ for a function(Python) mutable -

in previous question yesterday, in comments, came know in python __code__ atrribute of function mutable. hence can write code following def foo(): print "hello" def foo2(): print "hello 2" foo() foo.__code__ = foo2.__code__ foo() output hello hello 2 i tried googling, either because there no information(i highly doubt this), or keyword ( __code__ ) not searchable, couldn't find use case this. it doesn't seem "because things in python mutable" reasonable answer either, because other attributes of functions — __closure__ , __globals__ — are explicitly read-only (from objects/funcobject.c ): static pymemberdef func_memberlist[] = { {"__closure__", t_object, off(func_closure), restricted|readonly}, {"__doc__", t_object, off(func_doc), py_write_restricted}, {"__globals__", t_object, off(func_globals), restricted|readonly}, {"__module__", ...

longlistselector - Windows 8.1 phone app ExtendedListView.GroupStyle not working -

i using extendedlistview in application need pool refresh option. i have installed extendedlistview installing nuget package: install-package extendedlistview now want sticky header in listview. so able in simple list view below code. <listview isholdingenabled="true" itemssource="{binding source={staticresource addressgroups}}" itemtemplate="{staticresource addrbookitemtemplate}" continuumnavigationtransitioninfo.exitelementcontainer="true"> <listview.groupstyle> <groupstyle hidesifempty="true" headertemplate="{staticresource addrbookgroupheadertemplate}"/> </listview.groupstyle> </listview> but same thing not working in extendedlistview. <ctrl:extendedlistview isholdingenabled="true" itemssource="{binding source={staticresource addressgroups}}" itemtemplate="{staticresource addrbookitemtemplate}...

How to disable manual input through iPad keyboard for Bootstrap Datepicker field in iPad -

i using bootstrap-datepicker.js displaying field using datepicker. in ipad, ipad keyboard popping along datepicker, should not happen in scenario. i used making "readonly" in html template field, , used ignorereadonly, not supporting bootstrap-datepicker. may datetimepicker. datepicker not coming in ipad. i used: $('.applydatepicker').datepicker({ format: "mm-dd-yyyy", autoclose: true, todayhighlight: true }).on('focus', function(e){ $(this).trigger('blur'); }); this code popping , hiding ipad keyboard on focus, selecting value using datepicker. problem when want change year value, click on datepicker year value, , again ipad keyboard popsup editing. i want use datepicker select date , not ipad keyboard. how can resolve issue?

lua - 3 point object moving is happening all at once -

i making jumping game there object @ left side of screen, on platform. once object jumps , lands on platform on right, following: 1) platform on right moves left 2) platform on left (that jumped off from) moves off-screen. 3) new platform supposed appear @ right side of screen, continuing loop. i have made functions allows object jump , show if collision successful or not. problem is, 3 things have mentioned above happens, keeps on going , not stop object make next jump. makes object go off screen well, since platforms keep moving towards left. after debugging, feel problem lies collision happens. because, once touches platform, collision keeps on happening until object off of platform. wondering if guys can me this! here part of code relevant: local onplatform = false local gamestarted = false function playercollision( self, event ) if ( event.phase == "began" ) --if hit bottom column, u points if == "player" ...

sql - php and page id - how to? -

i've begun learn php , there bugging me. see php pages, load content following way: index.php?id=16 what mean? there single index.php file , content of different file (in case 16) loaded page? advantageous? and: how create such id-pages? i've googled , made search here, couldn't find answers... if tell me how function called me lot! thanks in advance! this means calling index.php file, , pass parameter called id value 16 . can access value this $_get['id'] it allows have dynamic content in page example.

import - Java importing Package wont work [Compiler throwing missleading Errors] -

this question has answer here: java syntax error on token… identifier expected after token 3 answers when try import package, throws weird error. i'm working eclipse , imported package humanbeeings this: the error says: syntax error, @ expected i dont know how fix got idea? placed @ on several places nothing seems work the code of list collection class following: package listcollection; import humanbeeings.human; import java.util.linkedlist; import java.util.list; public class listcollection { list<human> list = new linkedlist <human>(); // <> zur spezifizierung der objektklasse, nur objekte dieser klasse dürfen in die liste list.add(new human("dennis", 20)); list.add(new human("vladimir", 33)); (human h: list) { // für das objekt der objektklasse human in der list sy...

javascript - JS Array values become undefined -

this question has answer here: how return response asynchronous call? 25 answers i have function pull information xml file located on system. pull values located in file , put them array. once function called values enter array, onnce function ends values go away. function getxml(location,day){ $(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ type:'post', //just echo datatype: "xml", // type of file trying read crossdomain:true, url: './../currentfiles/'+ location +'.xml', // name of file want parse success: function (xmldata){ if(array[0] == null){ $(xmldata).find('dgauges').children().each(function(){ array.push($(...

How to download a toolchain for cross compilation in cmake from separate file? -

i have project cmakelists.txt files in root , project compiles fine on linux , osx. want cross compile mips openwrt. automate as possible, use following code download toolchain , set compiler variables: externalproject_add(ar71xx-toolchain prefix "${project_binary_dir}/external/openwrt" url "" update_command "" patch_command "" build_command "" configure_command "" install_command "" ) externalproject_get_property(ar71xx-toolchain source_dir) set(cmake_c_compiler ${source_dir}/toolchain-mips_34kc_gcc-4.8-linaro_uclibc- set(cmake_cxx_compiler ${source_dir}/toolchain-mips_34kc_gcc-4.8-linaro_uclibc- set(cmake_strip ${source_dir}/toolchain-mips_34kc_gcc-4.8-linaro_uclibc-0.9....