camera - Permission to take photo OR get image from library not shown in iOS9 (Xcode 7beta, Swift2) -
the code below shows example access image lib. no matter call code (view) not see permission dialog phone popping , therefore cannot allow app access either camera or library. also, privacy settings not show app either. thoughts? i'm going nuts. let imgpicker = uiimagepickercontroller() imgpicker.sourcetype = uiimagepickercontrollersourcetype.photolibrary imgpicker.modalpresentationstyle = uimodalpresentationstyle.popover self.presentviewcontroller(imgpicker, animated: true, completion: nil) another way tried if uiimagepickercontroller.issourcetypeavailable( { let imagepicker:uiimagepickercontroller = self.imagepickercontroller imagepicker.allowsediting = true imagepicker.sourcetype = imagepicker.cameracapturemode = uiimagepickercontrollercameracapture...